Join us! 2024 Georgia Employee Ownership Celebration

Join us for the third annual Employee Ownership Celebration, honoring the ESOPS, co-ops, and other employee-owned businesses leading the charge in Georgia!!

We are thrilled to announce this year’s special guests! Misti Martin, President and CEO of the Cherokee Office of Economic Development will share the impact of the Be Proud, Be Pro initiative across our state. Grant Cagle President & CEO of Georgia Economic Development Association will give us insight into the current legislative landscape and how it will affect the health of employee ownership in Georgia.

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The Georgia Center for Employee Ownership serves as the central hub for information and resources regarding transitioning Georgia businesses to an employee ownership model 

The Silver Tsunami

Our local business landscape is going through a dramatic shift.

Why is this a key moment for employee ownership in GA?

Employee ownership is a business model in which employees collectively own a percentage of the business for which they work. Two of the main forms are Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and worker cooperatives. In both, employees are given a financial stake in the business. As the business prospers, employees prosper.

Over the next 10 years, more than 4 million U.S. businesses owned by retiring baby boomers will change hands or dissolve

More than half of all small business owners do not have a succession plan

Many businesses will be sold and leave the state of MI, or close their doors permanently, resulting in lost jobs, tax base, and community impacts

Why consider employee ownership?

It is an ownership succession plan that preserves jobs and community impacts, while giving the selling shareholders preferred tax treatment

It is a proven strategy for employee recruitment and retention

When employees have a stake in the company’s success, everyone benefits

How can the Georgia Center for Employee Ownership help?

The GACEO’s mission is to educate business owners and their advisors (lawyers, bankers, accountants, wealth advisors) on the benefits of employee ownership via ESOPs, worker cooperatives, and Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs). GACEO provides resources, case studies and articles, and a list of service providers who can assist with employee ownership transitions. GACEO serves the entire state of Georgia.

Business Succession Planning

Get our free guide to Business Succession Planning and secure your company's future after your exit. Learn exit planning strategies and gain the knowledge and skills to prepare your business for a successful transition.

A book titled business succession planning an owner 's manual

The Impact of Employee Ownership

According to a 2017 study done by the National Center for Employee Ownership young workers at employee-owned companies benefit in the following ways:

A black and white arrow pointing to the right on a white background.


Percent Higher Median Income from Wages

A black and white silhouette of a bottle on a white background.


Percent Higher Household Net Wealth

A black and white silhouette of a sewing machine on a white background.


Percent Higher Median Job Tenure

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